viernes, 25 de diciembre de 2009

The Advertisement reality of the Mexican TV

As we have Christmas, I wanted to variegate these days while watching some „interesting“ TV programms, especially fairy-tales on TV, here in Mexico. During each Christmas, I used to spend at least two hours a day watching Czech outstanding fairy tales. However big Mexico is and however huge the amount of mexican channels I have on my TV (10), the quality of the programs is more than poor, compared to the Czech TVs. What´s even worse, I doubt that the Mexicans have produced some fairy-tales, during Christmas I have seen very few...and if some, then American ones. Unfortunately, the horrible condition of the Mexican TV is not only matter of the Christmas time. Whole the year long, the quality of the Mexican broadcasting corporations does not match with the criterion of XXI century.

The worst habit of all the misery which can be seen on the Mexican TV, having in common all of the Mexican channels, are the omnipresent advertisements. Of course I know that we also have TV advertisements in the Czech Republic, but it is incomparable with the propaganda which is presented on Mexican TVs. During the films, shows, documentaries, news, every 5 or 10 minutes the program is being interrupted by an advertisement at the same length. It´s incredible, it´s extremely disturbing and first of all it is a kind of calculated brainwashing. The majority of the advertisements seem rude and offensive.

The worst among the worst is the habit to advertise and present various products even during the news sessions, sport discussions, ( just try to imagine Robert Záruba, the Czech famous commentator having chat with an ice-hockey player and advertising a Coca-Cola drink in the same time). Not impossible in Mexico. The Mexican reporters (!) promote and propagate various products like (eg. Coca-cola, Jarrito – a soft drink, among many others) during their reports, such ostentatiously that I haven´t seen before. For instance, a reporter sitting in a studio, surrounded by posters and products of RC Cola, having RC Cola on his desk, during his speech doing breaks, so he could propagate and enjoy the „best soft drink ever which every mexican should drink, and without which it is not possible to have a dinner in a mexican family“. And this process mentioned above takes place every five minutes. Something unimaginable in the Czech Republic.

Goebles, the master of Nazi propaganda, would be really proud of the way how Mexican broadcasting agencies (TVs) work. In short, Mexican television is highly commercialized, serving to the interests of lobbying groups and big companies as well as interests of government (depends on the channel). The news, programs, wheather forecasts, films, in short everything which should be the gist in an independent TV serves just as an additional material to the main purpose of the television in Mexico – propaganda. An independent television, something similar to Česká Televize (Czech Television), or BBC – a neutral broadcasting agency with a minimum of advertisements and the sense for keeping distance from any kind of advertising of any product is a mere vision – utopia, in the Mexican reality. The situation in Mexican TVs resembles to a kind of totalitarian system. A kind of solemn finding... in a democratic country.

2 comentarios:

  1. Me pregunto si funcionara esto (la parte de evitar spam en los comentarios siempre es difícil).

    Me encanta como ves a México. En cuanto a la TV (de señal abierta), creo que el Once es el que menos anuncios tiene.

    Un amigo diría que "tienes la boca llena de verdad" pues los mexicanos adoramos la pompa. Cuando Tunick vino lo interesante era romper el record y olvidaron cosas como saber si la foto es bonita o fea o si tanta gente reunida era como si toda una población/comunidad se desnudara.

    La gente usa ropa de invierno que no es adecuada; se da preferencia a rituales adoptados y los propios están en franca decadencia (aunque te diré que en general las misas son aburridas).

    El futbol aturde a mucha gente, incluso a los más preparados.

    La desigualdad evidente debería ser insultante pero nos hemos acostumbrado a ese paisaje y además nos enseñaron a ignorarlo. Mientras que la desigualdad no evidente es casi idéntica a la británica (de la cual solo me han contado).

    Hace poco me di cuenta que la ciudad parece un lugar inseguro pues muchos negocios están detrás de barrotes, hay mucha gente con guardaespaldas y la gente se relaciona con delincuentes que no esconden ese hecho pero tristemente ya me acostumbre a ello, igual que muchos otros mexicanos.

    Por último, me di cuenta que tal vez hice algo inadecuado por lo que te pido perdón. Esa cierta lejanía es un área de oportunidad que podemos atacar.

    Me agrado poder leer todos tus textos (gracias a google translate) y que escribas en 3 idiomas.


  2. Gracias Raziel por tus comentarios y explicaciones adicionales. Los aprecio mucho. Tratare de escribir con mayor frecuencia, si el tiempo me permite. Saludos
