sábado, 5 de junio de 2010

Mexican haughtiness, the Failed State and the fail of the EU diplomacy

After having the opportunity to observe much closer the Mexican approach to issues of inner as well as foreign politics, I can sum it to the following sentence: “to accuse of our own problems anybody else, but not us, and to pretend that everything goes well”. Of this nature is the issue of the Human Rights dialogue with the EU, the immigration law in Arizona, as well as the protection of its own citizens in states like Oaxaca.

The Mexican “Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores” (SRE) as well as the “Presidencia” of the president Calderón systematically deny theirs responsibility of Human Rights (HR) issues, pretending that virtually everything is all right. Managing promptly the proverb “the best defense is attack” they are accusing the European countries of violating the HR, exposing uncertain cases like how the Roma minority suffers in the Eastern Europe or how some Greek individuals are being tackled – absolutely irrelevant cases compared to the systematical violating and denying of HR in Oaxaca, Guerrero, Chiapas among many other Mexican states. In long term, the Mexican government gets rid of its responsibility to protect the human rights activists, tourists and its own citizens. Not mentioning the state-Oaxaca corrupted PRI government and its governor Ruiz, who has verbally attacked everybody and allowed to violate the most basic HR of the citizens of Oaxaca.

Approximately three weeks after the first attack on the humanitarian convoy in Oaxaca (San Juan Copala in April 2010) carried out by an armed group strongly associated with the Oaxaca´s PRI government, SRE convoked a meeting where it asked all the Ambassadors of the EU countries to participate (the phone invitation three hours before the meeting, that´s to say - an irrespective towards the EU ambassadors), where un “subsecretario” announced that the EU Embassies should inform their citizens about the danger of joining another humanitarian convoys in Oaxaca planned to the beginning of June. Yes, you hear well - the officials of SRE confirmed that the Mexican state does not have control on some parts of its territory – one of the three basic signs of a State. Notwithstanding, the main purpose of that meeting was to announce the EU ambassadors in Mexico just two days before the planned meeting in Spain (where the Strategic partnership between Mexico and EU was about to be concluded), that the EU countries should be responsible for its citizens, tourists and HR observers. Mexico has washed its hands by informing the embassies and practically delegating its responsibility to the EU countries. Having said that, this implicitly means that Mexico is a “failed State” - a state that doesn´t possess a control on some parts of its territory. Besides, the “subsecretario” mentioned other noteworthy things, like that the observers of HR should fulfill the characteristics of HR observers before the entrance to Mexico (necessity of asking the Mexican Consul service abroad and wait if the respective institutions allow the observance of the HR - maximally for the period of 10 days, for a certain place, without the possibility of moving to another place). Such obstructive conditions do not exist in any of the EU countries.

The question is… Where is the strategic partnership? Should not there be the same conditions for both partners? Is it possible the way how Mexico “negotiates” with the EU? I do not want to criticize in this sense a very apt (for me) Mexican policy. Mexico just knows how can behaves to its partner and that this partner is not strong enough to protest. It´s obvious that the Mexican side just relies on the fact, that the EU is politically too weak to say “enough” to this behavior and to say “enough” to the empty strategic partnership which does not bring practically any new advantages to the mutual relationship. And much less some pros to the EU side. The subscription of the Strategic document turns to be an empty act fully dictated by the Mexican side, serving just to the flashes of cameras, journalists and front pages of Mexican newspapers. In other words, if Mexico is most probably a failed state, the Document on the strategic partnership with Mexico is a fail of the EU diplomacy.

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