sábado, 5 de junio de 2010

A sad ending of the semester

I´ll be honest. I am the kind of boy who always wants to lead the way and yearns to be the best among his peers. I was pretty successful in doing this also in the Mexican university… till the last Monday. In other words...do you want to know the recipe “How to loose the 95 average score in a MA program in 20 minutes?” Well, just go upstairs to the library where you´ll accidently find your classmates (more than half of the class) and try to solve the easiest exam you´ve ever taken - according to your teacher in a collective way and therefore fulfilling the characteristics of cheating. Too much of noise, too much of absent-mindedness and too much of “pendejo” inside my brain prevented me from doing this well. The result – 45/85 – the worst I´ve ever obtained during my university studies. I feel bad. Definitely not because of the alleged collective cheating, as I was accused of. The only guy who I was cheating was me – among my classmates I did not concentrate, maybe I did not read the questions properly, I wasn´t thinking as I would if I were answering the exam in Cedetec or anywhere else where the internet connection would be sufficiently strong. But one thing is obvious – thanks to these twenty minutes, all the hard work during the two years came to naught. I´ve lost the possibility to celebrate one of the highest average score among my colleagues. It hurts. The lesson for the rest of the life – sit alone, don´t talk to anybody, avoid the collective and “believe just in God and your pistols” how V. Morávek, would say.

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